Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 10, 2013

Testing new products on animals

Topic 3
As public safety is one of the highest importances, it is often necessary to test new products on animals. It is better for a few animals to suffer than for human life to be placed at risk by untested products. Agree or disagree?

The action of killing animals remains controversial. Some people think that this decision is beneficial for the security of human beings while others claim that it can endanger environment in the long term. I strongly disagree with this inhumane action for the following reasons.

It is, first, believed that animal testing ensures safety for human lives. No sooner do consumers know that products are well tested on hundreds of animals than they may feel less scared and ready to use them. Nevertheless, who can make sure that these products really work in humans, despite their effectiveness in animals? Even though some studies have indicated that the bodies and brain structure of certain animals like mice are similar to those of humans, until now there has had no empirical research to show that animal’s testing products are 100% effective and safe in humans.

Secondly, it is argued that animals’testing in much cheaper than that of humans. To ask for humans to take part in research demands a huge budget from money paid for participation, health insurance and other related services. Yet, the price of killing animals is far more expensive. Were it not for the existence of animals, environment would be put in danger. Let’s remember the disappearance of dinosaurs which put the entire world in danger for a long time. Animals play a crucial role in balancing ecology, undeniably. In addition, to some cultures, animals are seen as saints, which means that the action of kiling them for any purpose is a sacrilege. Like human beings, animals have the right to live and love.

In brief, I am strongly convinced by the idea of not taking lives of animals for purpose of testing because it is inhumane, unsafe and adversely affects environment.

-          Sacrilege (n) tội báng bổ thần thánh
-         Empirical research : nghiên cứu thực nghiệm
-         Scare (n) (v) sợ hãi

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