Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 10, 2013

Prevent wild animals from dying out

Topic 5
Wild animals have no place in the 21st century. Some people think that preventing these wild animals from dying out is a waste of resource. Agree or disagree?

Wild animals play an important role in humans’ lives. Some people think that by all means, we should try to protect them from extinction while others claim that it is unnecessary since they are just animals and hardly contribute to social development. I strongly disagree with the latter view for the following reasons. 

First, it is believed that animals can hardly contribute to solving real problems in the world. While there are many people dying due to poverty, it would be a waste of money and effort to protect soulless animals. Nevertheless, animals are crucial to the survival of human beings. Were it not for the presence of these beings, humans would never have a balanced ecology to live in the long term. The absence of endangered species has led to the increasing number of natural disasters that push people into poverty and homelessness. In addition, animals are just like humans, since they can feel and share feelings with us. Some of them even sacrifice their lives to rescue their owners like the case of admirable dogs which are sculptured into statues. 

Second, the argument is that several animals are harmful to our planet. Mosquitoes and flies can cause diseases to humans due to their spread of dangerous virus. However, these animals can contributors to the sustenance of food chain in both animals and humans themselves. The spread of virus is mainly on account of humans’ inability to ensure good sanitation, not animals. Moreover, in certain cultures, no sooner are animals like sheeps and pigs killed than this action is regarded as immoral and inhumane as a result of the fact that they are seen as saints. Scientifically speaking, researchers use animals as useful objects to study human beings and find a cure for our diseases. Experiments on rats to remedy cancer are telling examples.

In brief, animals have a variety of benefits in our world, and let’s save, love and them as part of our life before it is too late. 

-         Sculpture into statues : điêu khắc thành tượng

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