Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 10, 2013

People don't want to leave out of their house because they're afraid of crime

People don't want to leave out of their house because they're afraid of crime. Some people think that it should have more actions taken to prevent crime but others think that it is unnecessary. What's your opinion?

Some people believe that the society is fraught with crime and more actions should be taken to stifle this danger while others think that it is people’s obsessive thinking. I partly agree with the idea of setting more strict actions to reduce crime.

There are some reasons for the existence of social crime. With the unemployment being higher than ever after the financial crisis, people earn lower living and are more attracted to evils as a means of survival. While children are now often abandoned at home without parental control, their involvement in crime is inevitable. The gap between the rich and poor in urban areas is another culprit of increasing crime rate, rendering people to be less willing to go out of their home. Even worse, no sooner has Internet boomed than violence grows more widespread through the appearance of online games to appeal youngsters. Hence, stricter punishments on crime are necessary to ensure the safety to all residents. Let’s turn streets into places of love, caring, sociability and joyful moments.

On other hand, others believe that idea of being afraid of going home for fear of crime is such an exaggeration. In a modern knowledge-based society like today, people’s self-awareness is heightened. Besides, it is their hallucination with the images of crime on the media that people are themselves likely to become mentally unhinged. One of my friends who spent more than three hours watching violent and ghost movies a day always claimed that there was a killer supervising his daily actions. No until the day doctors concluded that he was a victim of online images did his family allow him to go outside of his house freely. Another reason behind people’s increasing fear of crime relates to economic aspect. In order to convince people to buy guns, stay at home to enjoy more media rather go out, the message of widespread crime is intentionally embedded by manipulators while the actual hazard hardly exists.

In my view, if we truly want to diminish social crime for a better world, we should educate ourselves to be aware of our behavior so as not to be in conflict with others. Anyway, were there nobody to be outside because of fear, the streets would become soulless and people would see each other as enemies.

-             Fraught + with (adj) : đầy
-         Stifle (v) đàn áp, kiềm chế, dập tắt
-         Render (v) làm cho
-         Appeal (v) hấp dẫn, lôi cuốn = attract = fascinate
-         Sociablity (n) tính dễ gần, hòa đồng
-         Hallucination (n) ảo giác = delusion
-         Unhinge (v) làm rối trí , mất phương hướng
-         Exaggeration (n) sự cường điệu, phóng đại
-         Embed = imbed (v) ghi nhớ, dính chặt
-         Intentionally (adv) cố ý, cố tình
-         Manipulator (n) người lôi kéo, vận động – (v) manipulate
-         Enemy /’enimi/ (n) kẻ thù

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