Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 10, 2013

Factors influence what on TV and in newspapers ?? Bad news or good news ??

Topic 1 – THE MEDIA
New editors decide what to broadcast on TV and what to print in newspapers. What factors do you think influence these decisions? Do we become used to bad news? would it be better if more good news was reported? Discuss

Editors decide the content of newspaper and television. Some people think that political factor plays a crucial role in their decision while others claim that cutural influence should be considered. My essay will discuss factors affecting the decision of editors and show the value of good and bad news on media.

It is, first, believed that political situation has a big say over the content of newspaper and televison. For example, if your country follows one party ideology and the content of newspaper embraces democracy, editors will be harshly punished or even imprisoned for being anti-government. Second, the argument is that culture has impact on the content of broadcast media. No sooner do governments and citizens see sex-arousing pictures in newspaper in Islamic countries than editors will be severely condemned and boycotted. Furthermore, when newspapers aim at young generation, they should present hot news about fashion, drinks and sports which attract such population, instead of showing serious news about politics.

Good and bad news are equally crucial in the formation of content on media. Good news, despite sometimes leading people to believe in an over optimistic future, can inspire, motivate and encourage people to have a healthy life and good actions. News about heroic actions arouses in children the desire to have a meaningful life helping others in difficulties. Nevertheless, bad news, though making feel somehow pessimistic, warns people against danger. Only after getting heard of news about natural disasters are people awakened to the understanding to protect environment and take actions. In addition, bad news portrays the truth of life which might be painful, but makes people aware of potential risks like being cheated or stolen by harmful people. By spreading news about terrorism actions or dangerous criminals, people can stay away from social evils and secure their lives against bad people.

In brief, newspapers and media are constantly edited by responsible people, depending various factors. Though good or bad news is shown, people should equip themselves with good critical thinking and see the value of each type of news to better their lives.

-             Boycott (n) (v) tẩy chay
-         Condemn (v) kết tội, xử phạt
-         Ideology (n) tư tưởng
-         Embrace (n) (v) ôm /  đi theo (đảng, đường lối..)
-         Democracy (n) nền dân chủ
-         Islamic (adj) thuộc đạo Hồi  - (n) Islam

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