Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 12, 2013

which areas witness the most significant development and which areas witness the least significant development?

ĐỀ 06-04-2013
A hundred years ago, people think that human race is steadily improving in every area of life. Now it seems this is not certain in that situation. In which areas do you think we have made important progress nowadays? In which areas do you think we still need to make progress?

Health care- cure diseases
Technology-transform people’s lives
Environment- natural disaster
Business ethics

Countries all over the world have seen leaps in different areas. The most significant change for the better is seen in technology while environment is still a matter of major concern. My essay will state the most developing field and the least one that needs actions.

Technology and health care have been revolutionized amazingly. Only by a simple click can the entire world be seen in front of eyes from communication to online learning systems. Besides, no longer do women have to do drudgery work with the appearance of washing machine while they can bury themselves in hours of automatic massage device. In addition, the past was fraught with diseases that took lives of millions of people like small pox, cancer and others, but these have been gone for good as a result of medical innovations that slow down diseases and immunize people against these menaces. Furthermore, by dint of better health-care system, the rate of diseases is minimized and people are able to live longer up to 20 years older, according to a recent demographic study.

On the other hand, there are areas that draw great attention from people. Specifically, environment, despite several efforts by governments, still stagnates. In developing countries in which their economy booms at a staggering speed, such concerns as dust, traffic congestion and noise pollution drive people crazy and result in a higher number of people suffering respiration diseases. Meanwhile, global warming and greenhouse effect still occur in developed nations, although they are past the stage of overheating growth. Hence, it is time that the whole world cooperated in the war against environmental threat by coming up with international environment treaty to limit the amount of waste and educate citizens to protect their surrounding. Business ethic is also worthy of mention. Along with higher income and living standards, people can afford better physical lives, at the expense of their morality. It is hard to conclude that what the exact way is to purify business environment which is inherently complicated and competitively unfair. My suggestion is that governments should introduce business ethics as a compulsory subject at school, and at the same time, impose harsh punishment on any action of cheating customers, exaggerating quality and organizational embezzlement.

-            Embezzlement (n) sự tham ô, biển thủ
-         Drudgery (n) công việc cực nhọc và buồn tẻ
-         Stagnate (v) đình trệ
-         Demographic (adj) (thuộc) nhân khẩu học – (n) demography

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